Click on the banner above to visit their website.

There are many reasons why a vehicle carries an unpleasant odor.  A new used vehicle can come with odors you really wish it didn't!  A family member or even just an occasional passenger that smokes in the vehicle can leave an odor that just won't go away.  Pets love to ride but who love that odor embedded in the vehicle?!  And of course, among others, there are the kids...
Buckman Car Wash offers a type of detail specifically for ODOR AND BACTERIAL REMOVAL!
Reduce or Eliminate:
• Bacteria • Mold • Mildew
• Foul Smelling Odors (Stale cigarette smoke, spills, and unpleasant pet smells)
• Includes quick interior vacuum
Polluted air is a serious environmental health concern. Our Ozone Blaster technology will effectively improve the condition inside your vehicle.
If your vehicle has a less than pleasant scent that you just can't get rid of take it to Buckmans.  It's worth every penny!!
Price: $49.99
Detail Hours are 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Saturday at the following locations: Long Pond, Chili, Brockport, and Winton Road. Detail Shop Services are not available at Winton or Brockport locations from November - April.

34 North Winton Road Rochester 14610 585-442-4468 

6273 Brockport-Spencerport Road Brockport 14420 585-637-5595 

2234 Chili Avenue Rochester 14624  585-247-1727 

Ridge Road West and Long Pond Road Rochester 14626 585-723-1540 

40 Nichols Street Spencerport 14559 585-349-1795