Elite Crete New York

There are floors.  And then there are FLOORS!  Elite Crete of New York is the leader in high performance surfaces and flooring.

Concrete Coatings
Unlike normal concrete surfaces, concrete coatings work to protect from wear and reduce repair costs.

Flooring Solutions
Other flooring solutions such as epoxy, flake, wood, quartz, and reflector enhancer are installed to compliment the aesthetic of your space.

Flood damage? Pet stains? Fire damage? Whatever your floor has endured, it can be fixed! Elite Crete New York will bring any type of floor back to life.

Concrete Polishing
The process where concrete flooring is ground, hones, and then polished. Doing so changes the appearance of a normal concrete floor to a more refined floor with water resistant capabilities.

What kind of look would you prefer for your floors?

Durable and water resistant, epoxy flooring also creates a shiny high-gloss surface that will brighten up any room.

Specially formulated paint flakes are used to enhance the look of your concrete floor. 

Create a custom design using quartz material. Quartz floors enhance impact and slip resistance to ensure optimal performance.

Incorporating organic wood flakes adds a timeless look and hygienic antimicrobial benefits to your flooring.

Reflector Enhancer
Add shimmer and color to your flooring with the addition of pigment. Mixed with resinous performance flooring, pigment will add a polished look to your space.

Visit Elite Crete New York's website and view their gallery!


850 St Paul St #29
Rochester, NY 14605