You're tired of the old worn out kitchen cabinets not closing properly, countertops have seen better days, cracked, ugly etc.. Time to have a brand new kitchen! Head over to 95 Saginaw Drive, Rochester, N.Y. 14623. You'll be completely amazed at the beautiful countertops, cabinets, & accessories! So much has changed and improved with all things kitchen. There are drawers for everything to keep organization and efficiency to create culinary delights in the kitchen. Empire Kitchen & Bath designers will sit down with you, talk over your kitchen routines and cooking preferences. They will design a kitchen that will be the easiest to cook in, as well as socialize in - because at parties everyone seems to congregate in the kitchen! All of these factors will be discussed, designed & planned out perfectly for YOU! 

What exciting days it will be when they start the remodel and when it comes to completion! Enjoy your beautiful new kitchen by Empire Kitchen and Bath.